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One murder. Four suspects. Endless motives. Can Logan untangle a web of lies before the bodies start piling up?Logan McKenna is troubled by good news. After accepting her long-time boyfriend’s proposal, the talented musician worries her unexpectedly profitable viral music video will throw their happy relationship out of whack. Needing space to clear her head, she travels to Oregon for a regular consulting gig…and stumbles onto a dead body.Determined to protect her friends who are prime suspects in the case, Logan puts her own life on hold and chases the truth. But with the police distracted by festering secrets and false accusations, the musician-turned-investigator fears even her well-honed instincts can’t safeguard the innocent.Will Logan’s unflinching loyalty put a murderer behind bars or trigger another killing?Whisper Creek is the thrilling seventh book in the Logan McKenna Mystery series. If you like dynamic heroines, page-turning suspense, and satisfying twist endings, then you’ll love Valerie Davisson’s danger-laden tale.Buy Whisper Creek to swim in murky waters today!