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We’ve all experienced some degree of hurt or pain in life. What do you do when the pain turns to anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness? How do you forgive someone that has caused a great deal of pain to your heart and soul? Minster Lakeea Kelly provides you with insight and depth of the manifestations of unforgiveness. She assists you in understanding how unforgiveness can affect your present and future relationships, your ability to move forward as an emotionally whole person, and become an obstacle to your purpose.In the pages of this workbook, she will provide you with wisdom and clarity regarding unforgiveness. This workbook unfolds biblical insights, prayers, and action steps so you can be free from the pain of unforgiveness and move forward with your life. This workbook is an excellent tool and resource for people who are struggling with anger, bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. This workbook not only explains unforgiveness, but it provides the application of how to walk it out. EndorsementsMinister Lakeea Kelly has provided yet another book that will help you transform. Her conversational style and knowledge of the word of GOD make you feel as if you are talking to a very caring and wise friend who is walking you through some of the most painful events in your life.- Shereese Carlisle, Educator and AuthorI love this workbook. It encompasses all three aspects of what I consider to be imperative if a person is to experience sustainable change: mind renewal, the Word of God, and the process. - Dr. Jené WalkerMinister Lakeea Kelly’s workbook on forgiveness identifies the hard truth of what keeps us from having true forgiveness in our heart. It points out that resentment, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness are sins that we need to repent for and be healed from. It helped me overcome deep-rooted issues I didn’t know still existed. - Elder Dwayne Kelly, BS, CPSS

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