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OnLineBookClub review: 4 out of 4 starts. "Written in simple and engaging diction, THE DARK SIDE OF THE FIRE has many positive aspects. There is an abundance of dialogues between the characters. This allows the reader to discover the personality of the major characters for himself. Not only this, we see the contrast in the personality of the characters as they interact.I recommend it to everyone who enjoys reading fiction novels mixed with a tinge of mystery, murder and adventure."The story started with Brian Oliver, who went out for his usual routine of early jogging, ignorant that a car was following patiently behind. In the blink of an eye, and without giving any time to react, the car runs into him. He hears the sound of broken bones and stinging pain in his chest. As he is rushed to St. Michael's hospital, a series of tests are conducted. And while the reader may have harboured hopes of his survival, Brian dies of kidney failure and various heart complications. His death will serve as the trigger that will set in motion a series of events that will lead to uncovering dastardly motives and the discomforting truth.Matt and his colleagues at an environmental association believe a large corporation under investigation for lack of compliance with wastewater regulations planned his murder.The quest for justice will take Matt down a road stirred with intrigues, powerful influences, corruption, and greed. People will let him down, the risks of the investigation will increase, and a terrible accident will put his life in grave danger. Matt believes someone is after him and caused the incident. His mind can't rule out another attempt of the corporation to stop the investigation, but others may want to harm him. His girlfriend's mother disapproves of her daughter's relationship, and another man is looking to gain his girlfriend's heart. Would it be possible for any of them to have planned an attempt against his life?The police will question whether Matt is opening the door into an unexpected world of violence or if he's obsessed with his friend's death and creating a fictitious conspiracy theory against a respectable business.The relentless pursuit of the truth will create tension and conflicts, and a major fire at the brewery will hide the keys for the answer.