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The man whose name has become a byword for high-performing products, technology, design, and invention tells his remarkable, inspirational story.Famously James Dyson made 5,127 prototypes over a four-year period of the cyclonic vacuum cleaner that would transform the way houses are cleaned around the world. Through setbacks came hard-fought success. In Invention, he reveals how he founded Dyson and turned it into one of the most inventive technology companies in the world. It is a compelling and dramatic tale, with many obstacles overcome. Dyson has always looked to the future, even setting up his own sustainable farms and university to help provide the next generation of engineers and designers. Whether you are someone who has an idea for a better product or are an aspiring entrepreneur, whether you appreciate great design or a page-turning read, Invention offers motivation, hope, and a reverence for creativity of all kinds.“One of the year’s most relevant and revelatory business books.” —The Wall Street Journal