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Leashed (Hellhounds Book 2) - Katja Desjarlais

Leashed (Hellhounds Book 2)

Katja Desjarlais
Tule Publishing , English
160 ratings

A good dog heels when Fate calls. Others take their chance in hell. On earth, Hellhound Bo Echidna chases his vices and embraces his bad luck, hoping to ease the monotony of his immortal existence while he waits for his master’s call. Bound to the will of Hades and touched by the hand of Dionysus, he drifts from bar to bar and bed to bed on the hunt for his next rush, knowing it will never ease his eternal torment. Librarian and art history student Sage Marcellus's only vice is the caffeine that fuels her revolving schedule of two jobs, school, and her passive position as Nixon's Girlfriend. Accommodating and quiet, she lives in the periphery of her own life until she meets Bo, whose unexpected friendship leads Sage to ponder her life choices. While Bo and Sage grapple with their growing attraction, ancient forces and grudges work against them to ensure that Bo never gets his happily ever after. And when Sage is in peril, Bo must play a rigged game against Fate to save them both.

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