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Legacy of Old Earth Far Future S... - James David Victor

Legacy of Old Earth Far Future Space Opera Boxed Set

James David Victor
Fairfield Publishing (September 15, 2020) , English
1,989 ratings

In a world of genetic engineering, fantastic aliens, and faster than light travel, a conspiracy whose origins have been lost in time threatens to tear the galaxy apart.A Science Fiction adventure from Amazon All-Star author James David Victor.Anders Corsigon has spent his life bringing galactic criminals to justice. When a bizarre murder turns into a string of assassinations, he must find a killer who is protected by the highest levels of the empire. After being cast aside by the empire he faithfully served, his only allies will be a rogue simulated intelligence, an alien spy, and a fugitive engineer. In a world where advanced genetic engineering can literally rewrite humanity, they must uncover a conspiracy that could destroy the galaxy.The Legacy of Old Earth Far Future Space Opera Boxed Set contains the entire Legacy of Old Earth series. If you enjoy stories of fantastic alien worlds, space travel, and genetic engineering, the Legacy of Old Earth series will be right up your alley.Stories Included:Challenge of SteelInto the VoidNight RaidersSecrets of IlythiaThe Mondrauk ComplicationThe Quantum WellThe Secari ConnectionFallen EarthEternal EnemyDownload the Legacy of Old Earth Far Future Space Opera Boxed Set and start your next fantastic space adventure today!Always FREE on Kindle Unlimited

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