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INSIDE THE BOSTOM MARATHON BOMBING: This shocking true crime account is an eye opener for anyone with lingering questions about one of the most notorious acts of terrorism since 9/11.   “You may think you know this story, but until you read this book, you don't.”  —T. J. English, New York Times bestselling author This page-turning narrative goes a long way toward answering nagging questions about the notorious Boston Marathon Bombing, such as: Where were the bombs made? And what had been Tamerlan Tsarnaev's relationship to the FBI? Mayhem casts a spotlight on the U.S. Government’s relationship with the older Tsarnaev brother as his younger brother, Dzhokhar, continues to sit on death row, even today. As they infamously did with Whitey Bulger, federal agents appear to have protected Tamerlan because of his value as a paid informant—and they shielded Tamerlan from an investigation into the ISIS-style triple murder of 3 friends on September 11, 2011. A substantially revised and updated edition of McPhee’s Maximum Harm, Mayhem reports the details and delivers the facts about the Boston Marathon Bombing—piecing together the puzzle so readers can finally reach their own conclusions.