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City of Lies: A Thriller - R.J. Ellory

City of Lies: A Thriller

R.J. Ellory
The Overlook Press , English
255 ratings

A struggling writer is drawn into his estranged father’s life in the New York underworld in this thriller by the author of A Quiet Belief in Angels.Miami Herald reporter John Harper is about to go on assignment when he received word that his father has been shot—the father who disappeared when John was two years old. Returning home to New York brings memories of childhood, many of them painful, yet nothing could prepare John for the truth. Confronted with his father's notorious identity, John finds himself seduced by an underworld lifestyle of power, treachery, and menace. As he desperately tries to uncover the facts of his own past, he is faced with one lie after another. And with each new discovery he becomes more and more entangled in a dark and shocking conspiracy.

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