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Pessimistic persuasion is the art of dissuasion. It is the means by which you talk anyone out of anything. With this book, you will learn how to talk anyone out of anything with minimal effort on your part. You can convince people that you are right and they are wrong without going through big fights. You can also convince people to change their minds, especially when they seem dead-set in their decisions.

Pessimistic persuasion is built off of the foundation principles of basic persuasion. In the first chapter of this book, you learn how to use basic persuasion to get your way. You learn about the fundamental principles of Influence, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and various other persuasion tactics invented by experts in the field of influence psychology. The methods included in the first chapter are tried and true ways to get what you want.

Then, this book gets more into how to use persuasion principles to talk people out of things. You can use influence to convince people that you are right so that they change their minds. You can use concepts like being warm and framing words to get people to accept and adopt your point of view. Once someone accepts that you are right and he is wrong, he will be more likely to take your recommendation over his own.

Finally, you learn how to take dissuasion to the next level and use it in psychological warfare. You can use the principles outlined throughout this book to tear your enemy down mentally. This is one of the most powerful psychological warfare weapons discovered yet.

So what are you waiting for? Read Pessimistic Persuasion 101 today to learn about the dark side of persuasion.

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