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We all have a voice inside of our head and that voice is our thoughts. These thoughts usually convey important information to us and contain the essence of who we are. Yet, there are some of us who must deal with a powerful voice on the inside that is critical, nasty and mean! Who is that voice? Why it's the inner critic, a voice that only provides negativity that robs your life of its richness. We have all had to struggle with this internal, negative thought life before, but some of us are still struggling even now.If you're someone who's had a thought life that can never seem to stop tearing you down, perhaps you need to revisit your foundational thinking and start a deconstruction of your own life. With the help of Deconstruction Of Self: Untangling Negative Thoughts About Yourself To Rebuild A Self Of Steel, you will be able to visit the negative beliefs that have been plaguing you for your entire life and learn how to kick them to the curb!Most people think the best way to change a negative thought is to simply bargain with it or pretend like it's not there, but that can get exhausting after a while. The only true way to change the way you think is to begin deconstructing yourself and untangling the web of lies that your mind has believed for all of your life! It's hard work, it's a lot of effort, but it is what will allow you to live the rich thought life that you've always wanted!

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