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John F. Kennedy - Murder Most FoulMore than sixty years later. A trial of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy will never take place. The United States Government and the Establishment have always been dead set against it…because they are obviously hiding something. A recent poll reveals that seventy-eight percent of Americans consider the Lee Harvey Oswald ‘lone nut theory’ to be a lie. The biggest lie ever forced on the American people. Bigger than the Vietnam War lie. Only a work of fiction can give closure to what happened in Dallas, Texas to President John F Kennedy, the leader of the Western World on November 22, 1963. Poetic truth is the only truth we will ever know about the death of JFK.Picture a Truth and Reconciliation event taking place in Hades, in a replica of the Oval Office of the White House, presided over by Homer’s Odysseus and his assistant, the oracle Tiresias. Imagine the coming together of the following: John, Robert, Joe, Edward and Jackie Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles (CIA), J. Edgar Hoover (FBI), Jim Garrison, David Ferrie, Johnny Rosselli, Curtis Lemay, David Rockefeller, Cardinal Cushing, Pope John XXXIII, Nikita Khrushchev, Frank Sinatra, and Marilyn Monroe.Odysseus, having mastered ‘the art to find the mind’s construction in the face’ succeeds in solving the greatest whodunit in the history of the world.Read this book today. The truth will set you free… at last, at long last.(Musical Pending)