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A firestarter of unmatched power,The most legendary swordsman alive,And the sparks that will ignite their worlds…Kazuron is happy with his isolated life, but everything changes when he discovers a kidnapped firestarter in the snowy expanse of the Frozen Wilds.Since the people Jesra made herself small for betrayed her, she’s ready to use her magical fire to burn those bridges with prejudice. Unfortunately, she can’t do it alone. While Kazuron may be the only person she’s felt at home with, he’s retired and doesn’t need her problems.But shocking no one more than him, he wants them—and her, with all her magnificent fire—to stay. If only he had something to offer her beyond choosing each other’s battles, because Kazuron’s enemies and the past he’d thought behind him are back and more treacherous than Jesra’s.With the sanctuary of the Frozen Wilds threatened, it will take both their skills to fight the combined forces after them—if they can trust each other to stand by them when they demonstrate just how much they’re really capable of, and reach for a brighter future together.When Legends Spark is a spicy, action-packed winter fantasy romance novella about two weapons who’ve been feared for their power their whole lives finding a place and a person they can be their full glorious selves with—and discovering what they’re capable of together when they make the choice to wield themselves.

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