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The Man in the Queue (The Inspec... - Josephine Tey

The Man in the Queue (The Inspector Grant Mysteries)

Josephine Tey Road , English
2,308 ratings

This locked-room mystery, “solid proof for the unreliability of circumstantial evidence” will have readers “give thanks” for the British crime classic (Kirkus Reviews).   A long line of people stand outside a London West End Theatre, hopeful to nab standing room tickets for one of the last performances of an acclaimed actress. The crowd surges forward eagerly, all except for one man, who sinks to the ground, dead. The silver stiletto dagger plunged in his back sends a ripple of horror through the spectators, none of whom managed to spot the killer.   It’s up to Insp. Alan Grant of Scotland Yard to solve the puzzle of how a man was targeted among so many potential witnesses—an investigation that will have the astute detective tracking clues from London to the Scottish highlands, all in the name of bringing a murderer to justice.

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