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The thrilling newest installment in award winning Jubilee Walker seriesIn 1872, six hundred miles between Bismarck and Bozeman remain to be surveyed for the Northern Pacific Railroad. But Sitting Bull is gathering strength to resist this incursion into the tribes’ hunting grounds.Citizens and politicians question the need for the rail line and doubt that it can ever be guaranteed safe from Indian raids. But financier Jay Cooke is willing to risk his financial empire to build it.When Cooke summons Jubilee Walker to his mansion and presents a proposition for completing the survey, Jubil finds it impossible to resist. But the stakes are high, both financially and personally. How much will Jubil risk to turn his adventure travel tours into a major business? Can he do it without losing the respect of the people he loves? And will he even survive the attempt to complete the survey?Based on actual events of the 1872 and 1873 railroad surveys and the ensuing financial turmoil as investors lose faith in Cooke’s vision, The Northern Pacific Railroad is perfect for fans of 1883 and Yellowstone.

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