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Dragon City - Iryna Karban

Dragon City

Iryna Karban
unknown , English
4 ratings

Whoever goes down to the Bottom never returns. The original town lies abandoned under the megacity. Veiled by perpetual mist, it terrifies the residents of the multilevel megapolis with legends of dreadful creatures spawning in its depths.As a well-behaved megacity resident, Ellie was content with her safe, windowless apartment and non-demanding job—if only the nightmares could stop. But they kept tormenting her with scenes of brutal murders. Ellie’s life spirals when she sees a face in the news—a face she’s seen die in her dreams.Now desperate to warn a stranger, she must descend to the Bottom to save him and see for herself if the legends are true.Dragon City invites you to journey into a dark-dystopian world where the line between dreams and reality is razor-thin. Perfect for cyberpunk, dystopian, and sci-fi romance fans.“This novel is an ambitious debut from a new author and I look forward to reading her future works.”“The plot's numerous twists and turns made the book impossible to put down.”“the story kept me on the edge of my seat, a real page turner.”Content Warning: This book contains a scene depicting sexual assault, which may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

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