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The Attack Has BegunWhile Earth’s inhabitants struggle with a new world order in which powerful aliens reign behind the scenes, deadly gas clouds begin to plague the planet, claiming the lives of clones and threatening all of humanity. Only the Jovians know what is to blame: a malevolent extraterrestrial like none mankind has ever seen.Amid this turmoil, Caroline (aka Queen Jovian), privately begins to falter, her inexplicable weakness unsettling her closest advisors. Meanwhile, her grandson, Evander, driven by a desperate quest that leads to the stars, continues to age at an alarming rate, a consequence of cosmic forces beyond his comprehension.As chaos escalates and time slips away, the fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Can humanity muster the courage and ingenuity to confront an adversary that threatens the fabric of life itself?In this riveting sci-fi tale of intrigue, alliances will be tested, secrets will be unearthed, and the ultimate battle for survival will unfold against a backdrop of otherworldly proportion. Prepare to embark on a journey where destiny hinges on the bravery of a few, and the mysteries of the universe await revelation."Captivating science fiction"—BlueInk Review

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