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The invasion of the Undersurface began in the proud lands of Ferilo. The minlings came not to dominate, but to exterminate the people of the surface. Old and young, women and men, all to erase a prehistoric curse. Or so taught the mages who awakened them.Triwalo is a Ferilo child made a refugee by the invasion. Her village is destroyed, her country decimated. In what was to be her final flight for her life, she is saved by the most powerful mages the surface has ever seen. But they are ruthless mages, whose power is matched only by their resourcefulness - and Triwalo is the best resource they have ever acquired.Reph, Grinla, Whissen, and their captive have nearly reached Gerulo when a child in a mask comes to their rescue. A child with terrifying power, under the control of an unseen manipulator. Can Reph push her abilities further still before it is too late for the warped girl, and the Ferilo land she once called home?