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Royal King is pure mischief wrapped in a cocky smirk and a heated stare.Five minutes in his small town and I knew he was going to be nothing but trouble. He’s an arrogant, tattooed playboy with a secret, and I’m the woman tasked with quietly cleaning up his family’s mess.I never dreamed he could be the mysterious stranger behind my hidden, late-night messages.It doesn’t matter what he says or how hard he tries to get under my skin. I won’t break. Not for him. Not for anyone. But when our secrets are exposed, all bets are off.He knows the rules—just a little fun exploration. Nothing more. But one lesson leads to another . . . and another . . . and soon I realize that he’s set out to break every rule I’ve ever put into place.I refuse to find myself melting under his gaze or swooning at the way he makes the noise around us quieter.I can handle men like him.Everything will be fine as long as we can keep this just between us.

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