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Life changes in ways you can't predict. Could she be responsible for it all?...As a middle child, Boston native Kathryn Moore has always struggled to fit into her nouveau riche family and would rather do anything than carry on with the family business. Her aspirations lie in more artistic pursuits: to become a writer like her uncle, which strains her already turbulent relationship with her mother.After Kathryn’s uncle, her mentor and confidante, dies tragically in a car accident, she learns he has bequeathed his Charleston home to her, and life changes in ways she never could have predicted. But was his untimely death an accident or is the truth more sinister than that?As she grapples with his death and delves deeper into the circumstances surrounding it, Kathryn struggles with visions she has little control over. She can’t help but wonder if the act of logging them into her notebook along with her story ideas etches the visions into reality. Could she be responsible for all the misery left in her wake—including her uncle’s death?Get your hands on a copy of this riveting suspense novel to find out.