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The Fake News Media keep saying I want to be a dicktater, but as usual they're TOTALLY WRONG. I have no interest in being a dicktater, zero interest. All I want is total, absolute, unchecked power and not be obstructed by Congress and the courts all the time. Does that sound like a dicktatership? Didn't think so.Frankly, after the last elections were stolen from me, I never wanted to run for President again. I just wanted to relax at Mar-A-Lago with Melania and my secret documents (I like to read them in the bathroom; sometimes it takes me a little while and reading secret CIA documents always helps me go).But so many people came up to me, begging me to run again. “Please, Mr. President,” they said—they always call me Mr. President—”Please, Mr. President, the liberals are destroying our country, you have to help us.” And so I’ve decided to save our country one last time. But I can only do it if I have absolute, unchecked, total, completely and utterly above the law God-like power for one day-ish, okay?In this political manifesto I will tell you exactly what I am going to do on that Long and Neverending Day. If reading this book won’t convince you to vote for me then I don’t know what will. So buckle up and prepare to be amazed!About Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump is the 45th, 46th—RIGGED ELECTION!—and soon to be 47th President of the United States. He is a very rich billionaire and a tremendously successful businessman, statesman, commander-in-chief, philosopher, writer, actor, TV personality, scientist, historian, father, golfer, Bible salesman, and woman whisperer.

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