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The Quantum Grail: A Novel - J.D. Redvale

The Quantum Grail: A Novel

J.D. Redvale
Gotham Bookworks , English
519 ratings

★ An Amazon Top 10 bestseller ★2024 EDITOR'S PICK, PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BOOKLIFEA Navy SEAL searching for his missing wife. A convicted hacker vying for her freedom. Fate forges their tenuous alliance, but shared desperation fuels hope in this pulse-pounding thriller about found family defying unimaginable odds.As a former Navy SEAL, John Mitcham knows you can’t always storm your way to victory. Some ops require you to hold fast and remain. So he lives with his losses, steadfastly pulling the weeds from his daughter's grave.When his wife disappears, leaving a farewell note that doesn’t ring true, John uncovers a government project that surpasses his comprehension: the Quantum Grail, a mysterious AI weapon, now missing. To track down the Grail and find his wife, John enlists the CIA’s most wanted hacker in return for her freedom.A virtual Carmen Sandiego, Nia Banks is young, talented, and alone in the world, and her snarky theatrics remind John of the daughter he failed. And this time, he won’t fall short.But the odds of success drop exponentially as they learn more about the Grail. Nia fears it could predict the future with frightening accuracy. And it seems dead set on engraving their fates in stone.With breathless pacing and riveting suspense, The Quantum Grail is an action-packed yet character-driven debut that masterfully weaves a technothriller with domestic suspense and a whodunit mystery. Perfect for readers of Harlan Coben, Blake Crouch, Lee Child, and David Baldacci.