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Don’t go near the attic door.Don’t go outside after midnight.Don’t ever listen to them.Ghostwriter Callie Rowe has landed on what seems like a dream job: penning the memoir of her 90s rockstar crush, Riff Fall. But as she sets foot on remote Invisible Island, where Riff resides in his enigmatic beachfront mansion, she quickly realizes that beneath the allure of fame lies something more sinister.Rumors swirl around Riff and his secluded existence, particularly concerning the inexplicable disappearance of his wife years ago. And entering Riff's world comes with a set of rules: never venture outside after midnight and steer clear of the blue door upstairs.Despite her best intentions to keep personal and professional boundaries intact, Callie is drawn to Riff, whose troubled past intertwines with his present reality. Bound by a contract from decades ago, Riff is haunted not only by his lost reputation but also by something lurking just beyond the edges of his property.But as Callie becomes entangled in Riff's self-imprisonment, she realizes that she, too, is being hunted by something malevolent. Forced to confront the darkness of her past and the terrifying truth about the price of fame, Callie wonders if she will discover Riff’s secrets or become the next victim of the night singers’ deadly symphony.A music-laden tale of terror, The Night Singers explores the echoes of the past and the demented and dangerous journey that can lead to success or ruin.