San Diego is the next stop for Mystic Caravan, and after a trying time in the desert, the group is looking forward to a relaxing time on the bay.There’s just one little problem.The teenagers of San Diego—both girls and boys—seem to be going wild…and not in a direct-to-video way. They’re growing violent, but the girls seem to have a reason and the boys just seem to be embracing violence at every turn.Is it a vigilante spell gone wild? Or is it something worse?Poet Parker recognizes there’s a gorgon on the scene—and not a normal one but one from the original lines—and she’s suspicious. There’s more than that going on, however. There just might be a demon too.It seems San Diego is mired in the middle of a domestic dispute—a gorgon versus a demon—and neither cares who is hurt in the crossfire.Poet and her friends must pick a side and then win a war, because otherwise, all will be lost in America’s finest city. One way or another, one side has to lose. Which will it be, though?Poet finds herself being pulled in multiple directions. She’s determined to figure out the best outcome for everybody. Will she be able to follow it through to the end, though?You’re about to find out. Mystic Caravan is going to battle, and it’s going to get ugly.