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“Witty and scorching hot.” — Publishers Weekly, BooklifeThis Sleeping Beauty woke up...In a nightmare.From Wall Street Journal bestsellers L.J. Shen and Parker S. Huntington comes a twisted second-chance romance between a prince haunted by a dark secret and his reluctant Sleeping Beauty.OliverI don’t usually trap women with amnesia into marriage.But I guess there’s a first time for everything.When the woman of my dreams falls into my lap, I can’t help but wonder what else she can do in that position.She’s here. In my house. At my mercy.And she thinks we’ve been lovers the entire decade we spent apart.Briar and I have always been unfinished business.Now it’s time to seal the deal.BriarI’m marrying a beautiful monster.A crooked fraud. America’s wealthiest bachelor.He claims we’re in love, yet all I taste in our kisses is hate and lust.I don’t remember why or how.But I do remember he’s the enemy.Now, I’m stuck inside a nightmare.And Oliver will do anything to keep me in the dark.Authors’ Note: My Dark Prince is a standalone enemies-to-lovers Sleeping Beauty retelling, in which a damaged billionaire with a dark past and his childhood sweetheart fall in love—literally. It is set in the decadent Dark Prince Road universe.

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