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I was on the brink of being sold into slavery. Then Captain Gleb Lycaon saved me.He stole me from his rivals and captured my heart, so I gave him my virginity. But he’s far from a knight in shining armor. He’s a merciless killer, the right hand to one of New York’s most ruthless Bratvas. And his need to control me resurrects ghosts from my past.I don’t know if I can trust him. Every man I’ve ever known has betrayed me. And now it’s not just me I have to protect but my unborn child… his. So I run. Because in my twisted fairy tale, Prince Charming is as dark and dangerous as the monsters he hunts.When he finds us, years later, I’m still hopelessly ensnared by him. But Gleb’s sudden reappearance has deadly consequences. Because he’s not the only one who’s set his sights on me.To protect my Twisted Prince, I must send him away. The only question is, can I give up my freedom and everything I hold dear to save the man I love?