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Every family has secrets, even Amish ones. After a man from the Blood Rock community is murdered in Possum Gap, Kentucky, Sheriff Serenity Adams and Sheriff Sadie Mills team up to solve another spine-chilling case.When the sheriffs bring news of Robert Schrock’s violent death to his wife, Mary, she isn’t distraught or even very concerned. It seems the victim wasn’t a popular man among his family or his people. As Serenity and Sadie investigate, they discover that the heart of the matter is much more sinister than they ever expected, and the dead man is the least of their troubles.Hysteria spreads through Blood Rock causing the Amish to suddenly turn on each other. As the sickening truth unfolds, the closer to danger Serenity and Sadie find themselves. Can they stop a witch hunt from happening and catch the real killer before they strike again?Hold on tight with this newest installment of the highly addictive mystery thriller series, Serenity’s Plain Secrets. The prickling suspense will have you turning the pages late into the night!

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