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A bastard princeA fiery beauty A star-crossed love that will bleed through the realms...For over thirty years, the city of Seboia has barricaded itself against the Gods Cursed kingdom of Brecca and their monstrous creations. Now, the Soulless' numbers are swelling and their attacks are rising in frequency — an ominous prelude for the darkness sure to come.Captain of the Guard, Darius, must remain focused in his duty to protect his kingdom. But when a group of foreigners arrive in Seboia, their alluring leader becomes an unwanted distraction. A scarred beauty with a sharp mind and even sharper tongue, Lena rouses an all-consuming hunger within the Fire Immortal. A hunger he fears only she can satisfy.Lena has traveled to Seboia for one purpose and one purpose alone. But when she discovers the Gods’ influence rooted within the very souls of its people, and meets the surly Captain who awakens long suppressed needs, she finds herself helplessly veering away from her sacred path.As their enemies close in, Lena and Darius are thrown together by forces outside their control. And unless they can find a way to trust each other — and tame the desire scorching through their veins — their passion will set the kingdom ablaze in blood and flames.Featuring a fierce heroine, an alpha immortal, and a quirky cast of fae and shifters, To Bleed A Kingdom is the first book in an addictively sexy, action packed, dark fantasy series.Authors Note: Although To Bleed A Kingdom is humorous, fun, and a bit quirky, it also contains dark and violent elements that may be difficult for some. For CWs, please reference the author's website.

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