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"In an annual trial to the death, a hundred are forced to enter. Only one survives."I'm cursed to kill with a brush of my fingertips. Everyone I touch dies—until I meet Maelor. He’s the mysterious, beautiful hunter of the cursed. And he's immune to my touch.The cursed like me are forced into deathly trials every year. Magic is forbidden, and our god chooses only one to grant mercy. The rest will die.But it turns out, Maelor has a curse of his own. The reason I can’t kill him? He’s already dead. Turns out, he’s a vampire—lethally sexy, and dangerous as hell.As the trials go on, I find that Maelor is as drawn to me as I am to him. Can this beautiful monster help me become the chosen one, or will our forbidden attraction lead me to ruin?Hallowed Games is the first book in a new series of fantasy romance, morally-grey characters, and deadly trials: perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses, Hunger Games, and Serpent and the Wings of Night.

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