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Immerse yourself in Africa's vast and intricate story and discover Africa’s true place in world history.Spanning more than 200,000 years, from the emergence of the first humans to the rise of megacities, Africa explores the history and cultures of the world’s second-largest continent in vivid detail. It brings to life the stories that shaped Africa and the world around it, from powerful and influential empires and kingdoms such as Mali and Benin, through the struggle against colonization and the fight for independence to Africa’s place on the global stage today.You will meet some of Africa’s most important political and military leaders, including Hannibal, Mansa Musa, Oba Ewuare, Queen Nzinga, Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, and Ellen Sirleaf. Brilliant photography showcases the great art and architecture that African civilizations have created while engaging text written by experts of African heritage covers every facet of African cultures, from music and literature to oral traditions and languages. Specially commissioned CGI artworks recreate iconic buildings and life in lost cities like Timbuktu and Great Zimbabwe.Explore the pages of this awe-inspiring African history book to discover: -The whol-e story of the African continent, covering every aspect from culture and trade to politics and society-The chapters explore developments in religion, languages, music, literature, and mythology.-Biography sections portray the lives, impact, and legacy of influential figures in African history.-Detailed maps set the main sites in context and showcase vast empires and key trade routes-Optional 80-page reference section provides a directory of the histories and cultures of all the sovereign states in Africa.Beautifully illustrated and unparalleled in scope, Africa is the perfect book for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Africa’s vital and inspiring history.

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