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This book will explore explanations of Earth and the universe such as The Big Bang, Creationism, The Ancient Astronaut Theory, The Theory of Evolution, and The Theory of Genetic Memory to name a few. This is merely a collection of questions and thoughts intended to elaborate and speculate on current theories and introduce new concepts and contradictory explanations. May this collection offer some new insight and inspiration to all who venture down the rabbit holes within.It will also introduce new theories of my own, both to expand upon and contradict the existing theories of the many great, observant, and inquisitive minds that came before me. I have a very deep respect for innovative and controversial thinkers like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Charles Darwin even if I don't always agree with their proposed explanations in their entireties.However, my deepest respect goes to the Philosophers, Socrates for the Socrates Paradox, and Lao-Tzu the Founder of Taoism. I have always valued the asking of questions over the quest for absolution. To borrow from Socrates, "to find yourself you must think for yourself". I do not claim to have any answers, only possibilities and, of course, more questions. To borrow more words from Socrates, "I know that I don't know".Here is an all-original quote of my own; if you consider diving down a rabbit hole fun, you may find wandering through a meerkat labyrinth exhilarating. To those who enjoy theory crafting and have an appreciation for mind-exhausting speculation, I hope this proves to be a truly satisfying and provocative read.Comparable to works such as;Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von DanikenDenisovan Origins by Andrew Collins and Gregory L. LittleThe Anunnaki Connection by Heather LynnUnderworld and Lost Knowledge of the Ancients by Graham HancockPyramid Quest and Forgotten Civilizations by Robert M SchochTechnology of the Gods by David Hatcher Childress.The Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin

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