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As daughter to the king of the centaurs, Lilliana is duty-bound to take the son of the rival clan as her life-mate. She, however, wants nothing less than a love match. Desperate to find a way out of her political responsibilities, she flees the capital city to enjoy her last days of freedom on the island’s beaches.When a human washes ashore near her secluded cottage, Lilliana cannot resist the chance to interact with him. She finds him to be respectful in ways her intended is not, and grows to care for him. Could this man help her escape her upcoming betrothal?Edward Faulk considers himself lucky to have survived the New Zealand storm that deposited him on the shores of Kentavros. And he’s especially grateful for the raven-haired beauty who nurses him back to health. But with his promising new wine label taking off back in California, centaur politics and a seductive princess are the last things he needs. But resisting the advances of a beautiful shapeshifter can be difficult…

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