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Ancient ruins, reincarnation, and a cursed New England town collide in a tale that bridges past and present.When spiritual medium Adrian and real estate agent Evelyn stumble upon the discovery of ancient ruins, their investigation unearths mysteries buried for millennia. As they delve deeper into history, they encounter evidence of ancient giants whose existence defies modern understanding.Their journey takes a darker turn as they experience visions of their past lives, revealing their roles in a desperate struggle against powerful beings in an age when Atlantis still existed. They must confront the truth of their past actions. However, powerful businessmen with sinister motives seek to see Baneford fall, and a curious archaeologist in charge of the dig site harbors a hidden connection to this malevolent past."Memory of Tomorrow" is a metaphysical adventure that will transport you to a world of ancient mysteries, spiritual battles, and endearing sacrifices. This is book 3 in the series but can also be read as a standalone novel.