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When my best friend’s kidnapped, I'll do anything to rescue him—including team up with his sister for the heist of a lifetime.I’m on this job for one reason: to rescue the only man who’s ever had my back. But his sister's a variable I wasn't ready for.Scarlett's clever, stunning, and sasses me at every turn. She's not just a recovery agent—she’s a pretty challenge.And she's been busting my balls from the day we met.Every sharp comeback and daring move of hers sets my blood on fire. But it’s the moments when I see her genuine fear for her brother’s safety that get me.Suddenly, emotions I’ve avoided my entire life bubble up—ones I can’t quite ignore. Not anymore.With time running out and a faceless enemy nipping at our heels, I’m staring down an unexpected realization. After we finish the mission, I'd planned on one night with Scarlett, then disappearing as I always do.But the longer we work together, the less I want to walk away. The more I’m considering risking it all on a real partnership—and a life with her.The San Marco Heist is the exhilarating first installment in the Reynolds Recoveries romantic suspense series about a heist crew who returns stolen items to their rightful owners.If you love all the banter of an enemies-to-lovers romance, a brilliant heroine who can change disguises without breaking stride in her stilettos, and a lone wolf hero who can tear down her walls with a smile, you won’t be able to put this book down.

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