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A surprise mermaid tail. A stubborn house. A talking gator. Misty’s midlife crisis is going off the deep end.Misty Ledoux just got shoved out of her empty nest. After sacrificing her needs for her politician husband only to catch him cheating, she retreats to her dotty aunt’s secluded B&B to escape scrutiny. Once there, she discovers her family home is in ruins, the business is failing, and the inhabitants expect her to meet shockingly supernatural expectations.She’s convinced she’s losing it until a devil of a hangover reveals a magical legacy she’d buried in the bayou. With the help of a goddess bff and a marshmallow-obsessed talking alligator, Misty uncovers the powerful siren's call to her mermaid heart.But her tail isn't exactly cooperating, and a shady troll has his sights set on her family home.Will a lifelong sense of abandonment deprive Misty of the inner do-over she desires, or can she bridge the gap between magic and the mundane?Bridge Over Shallow Water is the enchanting first short in the Murky Midlife Waters paranormal women’s fiction series. If you like relatable middle-aged snark, tales of starting from scratch, and mystically magical thrills, then you’ll love JB Lassalle’s dive into mermaid mayhem.Buy Bridge Over Shallow Water to plunge into empowerment today!

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