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Assassin. Spy. Witch.I serve the Witch Queen of the United Kingdom, fulfilling her will within the shadows. Exterminating enemies quietly, gathering intelligence while blending in with the scenery.And I serve Her Majesty well.There are rules to my service, clear lines that must never be crossed:Never break my cover.Don’t get tangled up in messy love affairs.Keep my life clean.Stay away from demons in these strange new days.But one night, while working another mission, a demon crosses my path. Instantly, he takes my breath away. Beautiful, strange, dripping with seductive energy. He needs help, shelter, desperate to escape a group of mysterious hunters.Against my better judgement, I take him home.I’m a fool. I could lose my head for breaking the rules like this.I’m playing with fire.And he could kill me at any moment. He’s stronger, deadlier, built for violence as well as seduction. But the longer he stays with me, the more he intrigues me. I want to know everything about him.Him. The demon who makes my heart race.Him. The one fracturing my sense of duty.Him. The creature igniting my every desire.What have I gotten myself into?Shadow & Silk is the first book in an M/M Urban Fantasy Paranormal Romance series featuring a witch assassin/spy, and a monstrously seductive demon with some seriously silky talents. Step into a world of royalty, magic, steamy times, plenty of danger, and a talking rat.This book is not a standalone.