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He wouldn't take my money. He wanted my innocence instead.When Nikolai Romanov came looking for my brother, I emptied my savings hoping I could pay off his debt. But I didn't have even close to enough, so the bastard decided to take me instead.I didn't expect a Russian mafia boss like him to be gentle with me... and he wasn't.Not when he spanked me for daring to wear panties under the dress he chose for me, and certainly not when he stripped me out of that same dress and made me scream in his bed.He told me I would be his for a month, but the way he looks at me says I'm his forever...Publisher's Note: Corrupted Innocence is a stand-alone novel which is the first book of the Innocent Brides series. It includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

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