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Welcome to the Mad Egg Diner, Where the Eggs are Over Easy and the Murder is Hard BoiledHaving successfully cracked her first case, single mom and diner owner Melody Bristol finds herself with an insatiable appetite for unmasking killers. It's fortuitous, then, that the picturesque Colorado forests cannot hide yet another victim.Cowboy cop Gabe Mitchell dives into the investigation, but fate has it that he requires Melody's assistance. Although initially irked by her involvement, Gabe soon comes to appreciate Melody's unique insights. As they join forces, the duo uncovers a disgruntled housemate, a vengeful uncle, and a girlfriend harboring a deep-seated grudge. However, their pursuit of justice soon leads them face-to-face with the town's most alluring and conniving figure.Wealthy attorney Sly Carrera has a penchant for Melody but simultaneously triggers her suspicions. Navigating this delicate situation becomes even more complicated when a startling message from beyond the grave upends the entire case, forcing Melody to confront a deeply personal question.Will she dare to dance with the devil—an impeccably dressed, irresistibly charming devil—to uncover the truth? In a thrilling tale of mystery, romance, and danger, Melody must navigate a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals to bring justice to her beloved town.

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