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NEWLY EDITED EDITION: Laura Kendall, two time Olympic archery champion, works her skills for the Maxwell Traveling Gypsy Circus; A circus using the free spirit of the gypsy life style, fashion and mysteries as it's theme to bring in crowds far and wide. Laura, traveling with her son, Jason, thrills audiences, becoming the top act at the big top. Yet, the window to compete is never totally shut.When the circus sets up tent at the sleepy coastal town of Fort Myers, Fla. An animal attack grabs the attention of Karen Walker, Animal Control Officer for the Lee County Sheriff's Department. After investigating the close-net gypsies Karen's suspicions fall on Jason's best friend, the side-show freak, Jimmy the Dog-Boy and his mysterious uncle, Russ.With a hurricane barreling down of the community Laura and Karen, who already find themselves at odds over the affections of Deputy Aaron Todd, must somehow pull together if they are to stop an evil awakened by mad science from destroying everything they love

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