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Russian assassins are gunning for him. Nathan Grant will make them pay.It was supposed to be his last assignment with the CIA, but when two Russian operatives end up dead, Nathan Grant is saddled with the blame. Suddenly, his early retirement just became a lot more complicated. Russian intelligence isn't going to let his change in status stop them from getting their revenge.After a pair of ruthless assassins comes for Nathan on his honeymoon, it's the last straw. He's going to settle this once and for all, even if it means taking out the man at the very top. His quest will lead him from Lake Como, to Lisbon, to St. Petersburg, and finally back to Washington, DC.Along the way, Nathan will uncover startling information that leads him to question everything he previously held true. In the end, he must face a dark possibility. Who were the Russians really after, and why?The American is the first book in the exciting Nathan Grant thriller series from author Kenneth Rosenberg and is perfect for fans of Lee Child, Daniel Silva, David Baldacci and Tana French.