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American sisters, Alice and Jocelyn Weatherly have longed to experience their father’s native London. In the spring of 1820, they get the opportunity in time for the Season. Unbeknownst to them, their father is in league with a nobleman in financial distress, Lord Merton, to possibly marry their children. The trade is simple, a title for Alice in exchange for an influx of capital. For Nigel Walston, the future baron of Merton, family obligation is everything, but he resents having an arranged marriage foisted upon him …until he meets Alice, a beauty with two different colored eyes, a sharp mind and a fiery spirit. In Alice’s opinion, love and business should never mix, which does not mean she dislikes Nigel Walston. He is handsome, considerate, protective and he makes her feel yearnings she did not know she was capable of. If only their fathers had not made them into a business transaction!

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