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Build a day-trading strategy that stands the test of time. So, you want to make money from stocks . . .It isn’t as hard as many believe. This complete day trading serieswill equip you with all you need for swift success: expert trading systems, the psychology inherent to killer trading, and keys to mastering Forex.Inside you will discover:VOL. IHow to recognize trading patterns 5 Proven expert systems allowing you to thrive with easeIndicators enabling you to pinpoint subtle trend reversalsWhen to enter and exit the market, maximizing your gainsVOL IIThe truth behind ALL trader psychologyHow to use trends to your own advantageHow to avoid the most common pitfallsTips to sidestep cognitive biasesMethods to master learning curves with minimal effortVOL. IIIWhat the Forex market is and how to pick your entry pointThe characteristics of top investors and how to emulate greatnessThe principal currencies and forces that drive themThe key to understanding price movementsHow to wield a portfolio wisely, lessening riskAND MORE!Build your knowledge by taking stock in an expert trader, and avoid expensive mistakes. Grow your wealth today.

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