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"Save yer pennies, kids. Yer in fer another adventure."
This is part of the story of the life and times of Jubal "Tom Mix" McCabe.  Jubal is a happy-go-lucky, wanna-be cowboy movie star.  As a youngster he was a "little Tom Mix", cleaning out a nest of imaginary outlaws in the family backyard in typical Tom Mix fashion.  Those were the days of the popular dream: to grow up to be like Tom Mix.  His every word intonation and body movements are out of the old western movies of the early 20th century.   Jubal speaks in the dialect and jargon as seen in the onscreen ‘intertitles’ of the ‘silents’ and heard by characters in the ‘talkies’.  He has been building his own “Mixville” in his backyard in the southern California town of Victorville.  
Aiyanna Eskaminzim, a return visitor to Mixville is a Native American.  Her Jicarilla [hēkəˈrēə] Apache name, ‘Aiyanna’, means ‘eternal blossom’.  Eskaminzim means “big mouth”.  She has the patience of a saint and the psyche of a poet with a “big mouth”.   She has come back to rebuild Jubal's "Injun village".  We'll see 'bout that!

The Fabulous Tom Mix: Thomas Edwin Mix [born Thomas Hezikiah Mix; January 6, 1880 – October 12, 1940] was an American film actor and the star of many early Western movies.  He made a reported 336 films between 1910 and 1935, all but nine of which were silent features.  He was Hollywood’s first Western megastar and is noted as having helped define the genre for all cowboy actors who followed.  Tom Mix was "the King of Cowboys" when the influence of his screen persona was seen in his approach to portraying cowboys.  He created the first “Mixville”. Such was the influence on the life of Jubal McCabe.
Are our old cowboy heroes really dead?  Not according to Jubal "Tom Mix" McCabe.
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All performances before an audience are subject to royalty. All producing groups MUST submit a completed royalty application, purchase a cast quantity of scripts, obtain written permission, provide performance information, and submit a completed application (if royalties are not quoted). Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized alteration, reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted materials. Photocopying of materials is strictly prohibited. Performance rights are subject to restriction and availability limitations. No one is authorized to quote or receive royalties for my plays other than myself and/or my representatives.
Royalty, Billing and Credit Requirements: Royalty Fees are due 10 days prior to your first performance. All producers of the Play must give me, the author, credit as 'Author of the Play' in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all instances in which the title of the Play appears for purposes of advertising, publicizing or otherwise exploiting the Play and/or a production. My name must also appear on a separate line, on which no other name appears, immediately following the title, and must appear in size of type not less than fifty percent the size of the title type. On all programs this notice should appear:
"Produced by special arrangement with THOMAS M. KELLY AND
For Performance License and Royalty Schedule please contact Thomas M. Kelly at: or
The production rights to this work of Thomas M. Kelly, are controlled exclusively by Thomas M. Kelly.
Without the permission of Thomas M. Kelly, in writing, no performance of his play(s) may be produced, performed or read, before an audience, whether an admission fee is charged or not. A royalty fee must be paid, in advance, for every performance. Royalty fees, for amateur productions, are listed with each play. Professional productions must receive a Professional Royalty Quote from Thomas M. Kelly.
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