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The Networked Nonprofit Connecting with Social Media to Drive ChangeThis groundbreaking book shows nonprofits a new way of operating in our increasingly connected world: a networked approach enabled by social technologies, where connections are leveraged to increase impact in effective ways that drive change for the betterment of our society and planet."The Networked Nonprofit is a must-read for any nonprofit organization seeking innovative, creative techniques to improve their mission and better serve their communities."—Diana Aviv, president and CEO, Independent Sector"The Internet means never having to ask permission before trying something new. In The Networked Nonprofit, Kanter and Fine show nonprofits how to harness this flexibility to pursue their missions in partnership with two billion connected citizens."—Clay Shirky, author, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations"The Networked Nonprofit uniquely describes the historical context and the current challenges that compel nonprofit leaders to work in networked ways and offers easy steps to help users exploit the potential of social media and 'working wikily."'—Stephanie McAuliffe, director, organizational effectiveness, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation"A must-read for nonprofit leaders who want to change their organizations from the inside out by embracing the power of social networks."—Charlene Li, founding partner, Altimeter Group; author, Open Leadership; and coauthor, Groundswell"This is a perfect handbook for anyone who wants to leapfrog their current limitations of understanding and find real-world applications of technology to extend their mission."—Michele Nunn, CEO, Points of Light Institute, and cofounder, HandsOn Network"Kanter and Fine provide the 'Google Maps' for nonprofits to harness social media to kick butt and change the world."—Guy Kawasaki, cofounder,, and former chief evangelist, Apple Inc."URGENT! Read this book. Take notes. Take action. If you work for a nonprofit, you don't have to do every single thing these seasoned authors have to share, but you certainly have to know what you're missing."—Seth Godin

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